Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Headed to Texas!

Christmas day we are leaving to visit our grandmas, uncles, aunts and cousins down in Texas! We just spent 1.5 hours in Best Buy getting our broken DVD player replaced (for free thanks to Vince's hard negotiating)! Thank goodness for the DVD player and dramamine, benadryl and what ever else we might need to get through the drive. We hope to be hearing some good news anytime saying "you passed"! Please continue to pray that we get our Tariku home. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and will update if we do pass...trying not to get my hopes up.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The doctor in the family

Haley spent the night at Nana and Papa's house a couple nights ago and while they were at dinner, Haley said "We have two doctors in our family. My daddy is a good doctor. Whenever I get a cut, he lifts me up and says "Oh, you got a cut. Let's make it better" and he puts a band-aid on it and kisses it." My mom said "Well, I bet your momma is a good doctor too" and she said "No, when I get a cut momma says "Oh, just suck on it." LOL

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Last Sunday's sermon was amazing! If you want to get goosebumps and be thrilled, I wouldn't pass it up.
It isn't uploaded on yet, but it was in Isaiah and how God foretold His people through the prophet, what would happen and how it came to pass and how He promised a savior and it happened (700 years later). And what other god can do that? He doesn't have to foretell, His creation is enough to confirm who He is, but because He loves us and wants to encourage us and strengthen our faith, He does this. And He foretold to me back in June, that I would get the call that Titus was mine. It was totally a "in the Spirit" moment. NOT FROM ME! And He didn't have to, but He knew I would doubt and that this would be a LONG journey. He loves me that much, to calm my mother's heart. So many other amazing things God has revealed through this wait, and I wouldn't give them up for the world. I have prayed for over two years that we would specifically see God's hand throughout this whole journey...and we have! Our director told me that they aren't going to be telling us our court date; they will tell us when we pass and not keep us on this roller coaster ride. I am really glad with that decision. I know we have a date sometime in December and I know Elias is still going to take longer than Titus. The good thing is that Titus' birthmom doesn't have to go to court again. When this is all done, I will look back and stand in amazement at how God brought this all about and how faithful He was and continues to be to us.
Isaiah 9:6
"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and of peace, there will be no end."

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thankful Tuesday

I have been wanting to start this and I am going to try. A blog that I follow: does "Thankful Thursdays" and I can't wait till then. I need to remind myself of what I am so thankful for. I am thankful that God has called us to these two boys (who I am just TOTALLY in love with!!!). I am so thankful that God has given me my three beautiful, funny girls who always keep us laughing...unless they've been fighting, then they are usually running laps around our house! I am so thankful we are healthy. I have the funniest husband ever who sings "Fiddler on the Roof" tunes constantly (I got him the CD for Christmas--he's going to LOVE IT!!!) I get to teach my girls how to read and celebrate their accomplishments. That's just a short list too! What are you thankful for?

Monday, November 30, 2009


I knew there was a reason I was dreading today. 5 weeks have past, our boy has grown, since our last court date. One would think things would work out eventually after 2 failed court dates and 15 months from time of referral to get the paperwork and needed things done. Guess it takes us a little longer... Words can not describe how discouraged and empty I feel. I don't know exactly what happened, but Titus' mom did show up, so that wasn't it. We supposedly have a court date in December (late). I hear things are moving where Elias is concerned so that is good. At this point, I struggle with "Is this ever going to happen?" "Did God really call us to this?" "Is this what God has for us?" But I know it will and God is faithful, even when people drop the ball. I know God will bring good out of this and I am confident that God will show us His Goodness and Wisdom when all is said and done. But for now, I am just really exhausted of this whole journey. I honestly want to move my family to Africa and take care of our sons until we can bring them home. Unbelievable.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cruising: Take 2!

We made it! We had a wonderful time with my parents on the cruise they blessed us with! We went to Nassau and to Key West. It was beautiful and the sitting on our balcony watching the ocean was amazing! How majestic and powerful the ocean is! Just points to how BIG and AMAZING our mighty God is! So cool! Here are some pics! Thanks so much Nana and Papa!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

CVS Rocks!!!

I love CVS! I have been coupon clipping like crazy and when you combine the coupons with CVS coupons, Extra Care Bucks and $5 off $20 purchase coupons, you get a whole lot for a whole little!!! I am hooked and my kids think I'm crazy :) I learned how to do this with the help of these 3 sites. The third one is for Walgreens. I have got good deals there too, but not as amazing as CVS.

These sites tell you how to use the system and it does take some time to figure out initially, but once you do, it is relatively easy (and addictive)! There are only coupons you can print and I always get the Sunday paper. In the top picture, I spent $4.19 out of pocket. The next picture I spent $4.55 and that included 2 boxes of cereal, 4/12 packs of Coke Zero and lots of medicine. I wouldn't normally buy the Glade products, but when you make money on them, why not? It is worth the work to get these kind of deals. Happy shopping!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Court Date #3

On Friday, October 30th I sat with my Bible open and just cried. I asked God "Are you in this? Are you really going to bring this to pass? Can't you at least give me some news? During this adoption process, I have come to dread Fridays. Fridays mean we won't get any more news for at least a few days. At around 3:30 I was entertaining my "no-news" pity-party, since in Ethiopia, courts had been closed for hours and we had already heard from the director--no news for our case. (Some MAJOR good news though--the little boy with the heart problem DID PASS court!!!!) When Vince got home we went out to eat. We came back home that night and Pam had called and emailed us. The guy in Ethiopia had emailed her at 2:30 am ET time and told her that we had a court date. The reason I didn't put this up on the blog yet, was because we didn't have the exact date. Our date is November 30th! I just felt so loved, because I God answered my needy prayer. I am really hoping that they can get Elias' paper work ready and they can hear both of their cases together. Pray for that. One trip would be so much better than two!!
That following Sunday, our minister preached on Exodus 5:22-6:13. Moses asks "O Lord, why have You brought harm to this people? Why did you ever send me?...You have not delivered Your people at all." The Lord then tells him: I have heard the groanings, I will deliver you, I will redeem you, I will take you for my people and you shall know I am the Lord your God.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


We just got word that they found Titus' mom. Very good news and I thank God for being gracious to us. Abebe had been "scouring the countryside" with no luck and prayed hard that he would be able to find her. Of course, contrary to what we were thinking, they don't just bring her in court and we pass. Our agency tells the court "we found the mom" and then they will give us a date to bring her in. I told Pam I am thankful, but just feel numb; unable to truly rejoice. I can't presume upon God that this is it anymore. Only He knows when Titus will be ours. Your continued prayers are valued by us more than you know. As I type this, I am having Alex write this week's fighter verse "Do not fear, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east, and gather you from the west." Isaiah 43:5. It goes on to say "I will say to the north, "Give them up!" and to the south "Do not hold them back! Bring My sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth."
I am truly grateful that God has called us to this. He is giving us TWO of the most amazing gifts ever!!! I am just so humbled and amazed that He wants to give us so much! This journey will all be worth it!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Update on Court

As I was in bed crying this morning, reading the word Haley just happened to bring up a letter from one of her Blast teachers she wanted me to read. The teacher wrote "The Lord your God is with you; He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you; He will quiet you with His love; He will rejoice over you with singing". I read in Psalm 113 "The Lord is high above all nations; His glory is above the Heavens. Who is like our God, Who is enthroned on High, Who humbles himself to behold the things that are in heaven and in the earth? He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heep...He makes the barren woman abide in the house as a joyful mother of children. Praise the LORD!" I prayed specifically that God would "open a window".
Vince called right then and asked how I was doing and said "You didn't get the email? I think God just opened a window!? We just found out we have three days to locate the mother and bring her to court and we can pass." Wild, huh?
Can you please pray that God will help the people who are looking for her and that they would find her? We want our son and brother home. Thank you all for being our prayer warriors---what an amazing blessing to have so many people who will pray for us.
Vince and Julie

Monday, October 26, 2009

We did not pass court. We do not have a new court date and currently our case is closed. We will hopefully have more details this week. Your prayers throughout all of this have been such a blessing and gift to us. Vince is taking the rest of the day off and we are just going to need some time to figure out what this all looks like. Doesn't look good though, but Alex just gave me her Bible with Proverbs 3:5 written down for me to read. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding." It was so sweet today, before we found out, Haley said "Oh! It's court day! Lila, let's pray!" Then she did the same with Alex and me. She wants her brother so bad and all three girls could really use some prayer. . But today was a good reminder of how much of a blessing it is that we know God and our girls love and trust in God. What a gift to see your girls open up the Bible when they get bad news. Pray for God to work mightily on our behalf. I am truly exhausted and emotionally wiped out.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Prayer requests

Here are some specific things to pray for regarding our adoption:

1) They would find Titus' birthmom so she can be at court on Monday. If she isn't, we probably won't pass court this time around and it will have to be rescheduled.
2) That Elias' birthmom will show up at court in the town that he is from. He has to pass court there, so that his paperwork can be transferred to Addis to be heard at the higher court. She didn't show up last week and they have a new court date rescheduled.

There is realistically no chance Elias' case can be heard in Addis the same time as Titus'. I know God is in control and am really trusting in God to work this all out. If Titus passes, it looks like Vince will be taking two trips. Pray that Elias will move through the process fast so that we can pick them up at the same time.
Thanks so much!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lila's Window

Screaming and shouting and cheer-spirit fingers were going on everywhere when Lila's tooth came flying out of her mouth (with the help of her mother and some dental floss). She had been working on that tooth for a good few weeks and today was the day! Of course, Vince wanted NOTHING to do with this and insisted it should come out on its own timing; I think his stomach just isn't cut out for that sort of thing. Lila's gum bled big time and she already has a huge tooth growing in behind it. I think we'll need some major orthodontic work. Here is a picture!

A Double Blessing

We are expecting again!!! No wonder this adoption has taken so long, because God knew we needed to bring home a brother for Titus! About a month ago, Pam wrote us about some misc. stuff and then P.S. saying "Tell Vince there are lots of baby boys in the orphanage and you are approved up to two! Ha! Ha! That's how much I love Vince." Long before this, we had known that Titus was going to have a brother, but honestly, it was hard even imagining going through this process again, emotionally, monetarily, physically. This is one of the hardest, most consuming things I have ever embarked on in my life. So when I got her email, I got excited. Vince and I prayed about it and I left it up to Vince...Scout's honor! I left the ball in his court and he ended up talking to Pam without me knowing about it. That week, we had a picture of our sweet little 3-4 month old Elias G. We had to wait till his medicals were completed but they were soon finished. He is so beautiful, just like his brother and I can't wait to get my hands on both of them. Pray that we will be able to get Elias' case heard the same time as Tariku's. If he doesn't pass around the same time, Vince will have to go back and get him later. I am trusting God that He knows what is best. I'll be able to post pictures of our boys as soon as they pass court and are legally ours. Oh, what a sweet day of celebration that will be!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Get out of town!!! Hopefully by Christmas at least!

We have a court date!!!! We have a court date!!! We got the call this morning and our 2nd court date is October 26th! All prayers for a successful pass are greatly appreciated!
Last night, I was watching one of Beth Moore's Esther videos. It was the one about waiting and the different reasons why sometimes we wait. It was a tremendous blessing to me and really just spoke total confirmation to me as to what the Lord has been doing in Vince and I's life. She talked about how sometimes the wait has to happen because God has to do something in another person's life before this one thing occurs. That will have to be another story for another time, but it will nonetheless, BLOW your socks off! Another reason is because God wants to use the "wait" time to get closer to you and prepare you for what He has for you by drawing you closer to Him. I have told many friends, how God has truly been faithful to not let this make me anger or bitter, but to use this to actually fall in love with Him more and rest in His timing and not my own. About 4 years ago we lost our close brother-in-Christ, to cancer. It was one of the hardest things I have ever experienced in my life (and I've had a lot), and it took me a good 2 years to trust God and pray my heart out to Him. SO for Him to keep me close to Him throughout all this and to be in love with God, even through the suffering, is only from Him.
I was searching scripture for this one verse last night and couldn't find it and then low and behold there it was. Isaiah 46:11 "Truly I have spoken, truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it, surely I will do it". I prayed, totally honestly "Lord, I completely trust in your timing. Whatever it is, I will be happy with it. I trust you to bring this to pass and no matter how long, I am okay with it."
I am excited and am really praying this will pass and the other family we have gone through this with will pass too. But even if it doesn't, God has it planned and He will surely do it! The above pictures were taking yesterday before we left for the USCIS office to renew our I-600a, as it was only good for 18 months! We left around 6:15 am and hopefully we will never have to go back to that office again!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Adoption Date--"Just Kiddin'"

Well, what do you know? We just found out that we never really had a court date, even though time and time again we were reassured "Yes, you have a court date, it just needs to be translated." The Wednesday we got the exciting news, I asked "Are they lying to us??" That was the first of many times I asked that as I was becoming more skeptical of this situation. We found out yesterday at church, after our director had returned from Ethiopia. What I do know is 3 months of being an "open case" our case has to be re-submitted to the court. Our case was reapplied in August and I think the person just assumed we'd have a court date by the end of this month. My thoughts: I trust in God and he is and will be faithful to bring this adoption to completion. Our God is a BIG God and I expect to see him do amazingly more than we could ever ask or imagine, and honestly, I am excited! Of course, this is very maddening, but I am keeping my eyes on the author and perfector of my faith and KNOW we will bring Titus home in his perfect timing. Please pray that God will work mightily on our case (and our friends also) and for our friend Eileen Huffman, who is courageously battling breast cancer. You can find her site here:

Monday, September 14, 2009

Our Non-Cruise Cruise

On August 10, after months of planning and anticipation, we left at 4 am to take off for our family cruise. With 100+ braids in the girls' hair, excitement was in the air. My parents were taking us, Jenny and Ryan and the cousins, and Grandma for a 4 night cruise; our girls flying for the first time. We boarded the airplane and waited anxiously for take-off...and waited some more. An hour later the pilot shared that we would not be leaving, as someone forgot to plug in a much-needed battery. 'Are you kidding me????' We think surely we will find another flight to Miami; it's 5:30 am. Nope. Luckily my parents bought cruise insurance and they footed the bill for us to stay at Great Wolf Lodge. The plan was to leave at 4:30 am, flying to Nassau to meet our ship. So day two, my birthday, we are getting our on-board passes and it asks to swipe our passports. That's when I knew...We would not be able to go. We had bought the girls passcards. The cards are cheaper and they work for land and sea travel, ie. Mexico, Canada, Caribbean but you can't fly to another country. Should have worked if we would have left via Miami. Honestly, writing this story and seeing these pictures still makes me sick. Our girls were bawling, Papa and Nana crying and running to the plane, I was wanting to throw up. Really, it was one of the worst moments in my life. HORRIBLE! Seeing my three girls being ripped apart from the family, NOT getting to go on the cruise they have been looking forward to for 6 months. The airlines did send us to Miami and put us in a hotel (vouchers they gave us were messed up and not what they told us) because Vince said "You are putting my kids on a flight SOMEWHERE!" All of the kids clothes were with my parents (or the other luggage that was currently lost), except for their swimsuits and cover-ups, which were in our carry-on. Note to parents: Always keep swimsuits in your carry-on. So to sum it all up: We paid almost $500 for a non-cruise cruise, no clothes, the ocean stung our bottoms, tears, pop-tarts (hotel breakfast was $125) and we were glad to be home.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Adoption Date

A lot has happened since I've last blogged. Vince and I went on a non-cruise cruise, got married, and finally, after many months of waiting, received news that we have a court date in October. I will explain the other major events in another post, but I want to focus this one on our adoption. Courts closed on August 21 for rainy season and should open back up the end of September or early October. On the 23rd, I prayed for a miracle; that even though courts were closed, God would still provide. That week we received word that our case was one of three that the courts were still looking at and that we were hoping to get our case heard soon, or at least get a court date when they reopen. Well, things were looking hopeful and then not-so hopeful, as some miscommunication were taking place. Last Sunday night, as I was praying, I just felt that we were going to receive some news on Wednesday. I wasn't about to let my hopes up, and just took it for a possibility, a gentle whisper that I could have mistaken... That Monday, our pregnancy care center director called and asked if she and our good friend could come over and pray for us the next day, as the Lord had been putting it on their hearts. How could I turn that down?! What a gift!
I don't know if I wrote this down or not, but July 22nd, I thought that I might hear something and around noon, I was crying and asking God to tell me if today was the day or not. I opened my Bible and He gave me Habakkuk 2:3 "For the vision is yet for its appointed time;it hastens to the end--it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay." Well, on Tuesday, right before my friends came to pray, I opened my Bible to Psalm 102:13 "It is time to be gracious to her; the appointed time has come". They prayed and blessed me greatly. Honestly, when people spend time praying for you, that is one of the greatest gifts of love I can think of.
The next morning, I got the call that we had a court date for sometime in October. (It is in Ethiopian calendar and needs to be converted to ours). I praise God for providing for us, but I am asking for even a better, sooner date. I pray that God is working in Titus' heart, preparing him for us, that he would somehow KNOW we are his mom and dad and that he is not scared but is at peace.
One other thing that was cool... Last weekend, I was telling Vince that maybe I should have Pam take some clothes of mine when she goes to Ethiopia and put them in the orphanage, so that when I get there, I can put them on, and I will smell familiar. Well, while my friends were praying for me, Barbara said "And Lord, I just pray that you will give Titus Julie's scent. That he would be smelling her now so that he will know that she is his mother." WOW! Whatever this adoption looks like, however it plays out, I know God is working mightily to provide good things and it will be amazing when it comes. I can't wait!!! God is so good! Now I need to get to filling out adoption paperwork (our I-600 was only good for 18 months and we need to renew it :( )

Thursday, July 30, 2009


August 31, 2007, the Avila's officially started the adoption process. On September 4th, 2008, we received our referral for our precious, chubby-cheeked, little Tariku. He was three months old and we thought, for sure, we'd have him home by Christmas. Now he is just over 14 months old and we are still waiting for news, a court date or something. Things are moving and people are getting court dates and passing and we are waiting. So I go in phases of strong faith, doubt, anger and sadness. (You can throw in a little bitterness and envy--when I read people's complaints that their court date isn't sooner....they'll have to wait a week). And I know I am probably not even the longest running adoption out there, even though I'm probably close.
My Bible opened to Hebrews 12--the discipline chapter. I taught some of theses scriptures to Alex; but never knew it wasn't talking necessarily strictly discipline, but teaching.
"My son, do not make light of the Lord's teaching (discipline), and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord teaches those he loves...No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful, Later on however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Encouraging, I know He is working on me, but discouraging, b/c He could work on me FOREVER! I do appreciate prayers for us and our friends, the Scott's, who are going through this too. I know He has promised me that He will bring this to pass and that He will be our son, I am just fatigued and tired of waiting.
Here is more scripture that God has been showing me...
"For the revelation waits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay....but the righteous will live by faith" Hab. 2:3-4
"May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests...Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God" Psalm 20 (all of its good!) And boy, will I EVER! When I get that call saying "You've passed!" I will be praising God all over the place!

There are so many more, but God has been faithful to bless me with His Word and my many, encouraging sisters in Christ. Thank you!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lila's Prayer

The past few weeks (and months) I have been in the Word and praying a lot. Usually prayer brings me to tears, either sad, longing tears, or overwhelmingly blessed tears. Well, the other day, we were getting ready to eat lunch and Lila prayed, "Father God, Please bring Titus home soon so mamma will put down her Bible and stop crying." I just thought that was so cute! I have got so much to tell you about what God has been showing me, but I will leave you with a verse God showed me after one of my morning prayer-tear fests. Almost word-for-word what I have been praying specifically these past two months.

Psalm 10:17-18

"O Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble. You will strengthen their hearts. You will incline you ear to vindicate the orphan and the oppressed."

By the way, things are moving and I am expectant God is going to do some amazing things soon! Keep praying!

Monday, July 20, 2009


"Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 15:5

Remember how I told you how amazing Colorado was and how much God had blessed us during that trip (and that I would fill you in later)? Well, here it goes. We have a numerous amount of friends from college that now live in Colorado. A very special couple to us, Drew and Noelle, moved there after college and we were really hoping to visit them while there. While they were at KU, they went to Grace EPC and Drew and Vince were classmates. When we describe them, it usually consists of: encouragers, full of joy, on fire for Christ, authentic and sincere. We didn't get to spend a lot of time with them while they were at KU, because we had a family and they were very involved in Greek and college life, but we just adored them.
In December, they had called us and said they had some news for us and we quickly asked "Are you pregnant?" (We can't wait for them to have kids!) They said no and that they would just send it in a letter. Well, no letter came, ever. We just thought if it was big enough news, we would have got something, but we were still asking eachother about it every month or so.
Six months later, on our way to Colorado, we called hoping to catch a time we could meet and they were going to be going to Ottawa/Lawrence for a wedding. What timing! So we decided that on our way back we would meet them in Salina, at IHOP for an early morning breakfast. After 6 years, we finally got to see our friends again, and what an encouragement it was to us! They shared with us that Noelle's brother had been adopted and what a huge blessing that was to their family and that her family had started an adoption family foundation...and we were the first recepients of their adoption gift. I can't tell you how much this blessed Vince and I. I cried and they prayed for us and we departed. Some thoughts as I was in the car were: 1) God didn't let them send it in the mail, because we needed this encouragement now, after nearly 2 years of waiting; that God was still providing for us, 2) We needed to bless eachother in person and a letter wouldn't have sufficed and 3) This had to happen before we got Tariku. We were supposed to get him in December and yet, this still hasn't happened. To feel our sisters and brothers in Christ, come alongside us, supporting and praying for us....just overwhelming to me. We felt so loved.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Vision

I have felt compelled to share this for a few days. I didn't think I would, but this is a huge part of my adoption journey for my son, and if this encourages you and glorifies God, than it is all worth it!

This adoption process has been harder and longer than I could have ever imagined. We started in September 2007, was referred to our son Sept. 4, 2008 and will be blessed to get him home by Sept. of 2009. I have prayed specifically for 2 things throughout these past 2 years: 1) that God would use this adoption to bring me closer to Him (previous loss in my life had really hindered my vulnerability to God) and 2) that I would see God's hand and presence all throughout our adoption. He has, without a doubt, been faithful to answer these two things, and I don't think He is done yet! I have felt and seen God move in numerous ways; through my friends, through prayer, through provision. It has blown me away and brought me back to a place where I just want to be with Him all the time. But my heart has ached deeply for Tariku to be placed in my arms; for this to be brought to completion. I want to kiss his face and feel his embrace so much, tears come to my eyes just thinking about it.
Five Tuesdays ago, Pam called with her weekly update, which is usually nothing, but at least she calls to tell me "no news". I was tired and angry. I kept asking her questions to which she had nothing, and I was sick of this--not her fault, but this was where I was at emotionally and physically. So we hung up and I start cleaning because my friend was coming over. As I was cleaning the downstairs, I stood up, and immediately, a smile came to my face and God gave me a vision that we had received the call that we passed court. I felt a tangible weight of anxiety and uncertainty leave me and this longing that I had for my son was filled--HE WAS MINE! I was filled with peace and I know that in God's calendar, He gave Titus to me that day. Of course, almost six weeks has passed and we are hoping for a court date very soon, but I haven't been going nuts since that day. I am clinging to the promise God gave me that day. It will happen and He will be the One providing our son.
God has been faithful to reveal even more of Himself to me. I was reading yesterday about Abraham and his faith in regards to God giving him a son. Romans 4:20-21 "Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised."

I appreciate prayers on our behalf as we wait for God to bring about what He has given us.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Colorado Vacation

The Avila's headed to Colorado for a wonderful and much needed vacation. We went to attend our good friends' wedding located close to Telluride. We went to Denver to see some old college buddies. While there we hiked around Red Rocks.

We then headed to Colorado Springs to see Focus on the Family "Whit's End", Garden of the Gods, Pike's Peak (Vince was sweating driving up that mountain), and Cave of the Winds. We also saw the Royal Gorge and the Air Force base. Every time I go to Colorado, I am just amazed at how creative our God is and how good He is to give us beautiful things to look at. I see design stamped all over creation. If you go through Garden of the God's and see all the rocks that look remarkably like two camels kissing, a Scotsman, and Indian, a sleeping giant and many others, I mean "COULD GOD MAKE IT ANY MORE CLEAR!" I love Colorado! I have so many things to say about our trip to Colorado and how much God truly blessed our time while we were there, but I will save it for another post.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Alex's Birthday

Waaaayyy late on this blog for Alex's 10th birthday, but better late than never. We had 3 of her closest friends, Kiran (a star-wars warrior), Mandy who is Miss Personality, and sweet Libby. They had a blast eating dogs, swimming in the spa, climbing on Nana and Papa's roof and playing spy. A perfect day for Alex! Grandma made a green and white checkerboard cake and Alex got beautiful clothes, Jedi weapons, legos, softball gear and more.

Monday, July 6, 2009

A cabin, friends and a squirrel

A couple of weeks ago, my wonderful friend Dianne invited me and the girls to go down to Lake of the Ozarks to stay at her Grandparents' cabin. She knew I needed a relaxing getaway where I could be a fun mom and not think about the lack of news from Ethiopia. With our five girls, we made it to the lake house, which is a quaint A-frame house about 12 steps from the water. We walked in and as Dianne was pulling the curtains open, she noticed a big pile of chewed up door frame. Something had been eating the house up! I went upstairs, hoping to find at the most, a DEAD rodent, but instead, as I was about to open the curtains, the girls behind me started screaming and above my head, a furry squirrel ran across the valance. This was just the beginning...We tried and tried to get him out. That night we stayed at a hotel. The next day the varment catcher came and told us "He has to be gone, I've checked everywhere". Well, apparently not, because later that afternoon, while I was upstairs, all five girls and a previously rodent-scarred momma were all screaming a crying downstairs. The little booger had ran through all their feet and clothes. We all made it safely outside and the girls were screaming at us, "Don't make us go back there, I want to go home"...and from Lila "This is the most hooorrrible vacation ever! I mean, WHO lives at a place where the doors are all chewed out, there's mulch on the floor and a SQUIRREL'S running around???" I couldn't keep myself from laughing. So we stayed outside and comforted the girls by roasting smores and praying. That night, we spied him on top of the valance again. While the girls were shut in the Tahoe (by that time, they wouldn't get out), I told Dianne I would go upstairs, open the door and try to beat it outside with a broom. She said "I got your back with the light". Now, this whole time I am picturing this squirrel jumping on my face and biting me. I slowly walked across the room and opened the door, watching the squirrels every move. I stepped back and proceeded to beat and scream at the squirrel to leave. It shot down the curtain and then flew up over my head. Good thing the girls where in the car, b/c I said some things that mommies should never say. By the time I was done screaming every word in the book, Dianne had ran downstairs and outside, shining the light on me from the porch. She had never laughed so hard in her life. I was just plain mad at that stupid squirrel. That night we slept at the neighbor's house. The following night Fred and Vince drove up and we all slept in the cabin. Vince, Haley, Lila and I slept on 2 twin beds that were pushed together. Lila elbowed me in the face, pulled my hair out and 2 other times would sit up straight and claw the air, growling "NO, UH, RRRR". She was busy fighting squirrels all night in her dreams.
It wasn't the most relaxing vacation, but I did have a blast with my girls and we will definitely be telling this story the rest of our lives.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Haley's Birthday

Here are some pics of Haley's family birthday party. We are going to have the friends party after we get back from our trip to Colorado. We had a very delicious cake that Grandma and Haley made and Haley had tons of fun trying on all of her beautiful clothes that Papa and Nana K got her. She gave us quite a fashion show! It was a hoot and man, the teenage years are going to be crazy. She also got some cash from the Avila's and a beautiful quilt that Grandma is in the process of making her princess.