Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Court Date #3

On Friday, October 30th I sat with my Bible open and just cried. I asked God "Are you in this? Are you really going to bring this to pass? Can't you at least give me some news? During this adoption process, I have come to dread Fridays. Fridays mean we won't get any more news for at least a few days. At around 3:30 I was entertaining my "no-news" pity-party, since in Ethiopia, courts had been closed for hours and we had already heard from the director--no news for our case. (Some MAJOR good news though--the little boy with the heart problem DID PASS court!!!!) When Vince got home we went out to eat. We came back home that night and Pam had called and emailed us. The guy in Ethiopia had emailed her at 2:30 am ET time and told her that we had a court date. The reason I didn't put this up on the blog yet, was because we didn't have the exact date. Our date is November 30th! I just felt so loved, because I God answered my needy prayer. I am really hoping that they can get Elias' paper work ready and they can hear both of their cases together. Pray for that. One trip would be so much better than two!!
That following Sunday, our minister preached on Exodus 5:22-6:13. Moses asks "O Lord, why have You brought harm to this people? Why did you ever send me?...You have not delivered Your people at all." The Lord then tells him: I have heard the groanings, I will deliver you, I will redeem you, I will take you for my people and you shall know I am the Lord your God.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you guys :) Everyone hug each other for me...don't leave anyone out!!!