Sunday, March 21, 2010

More Pics

It's crazy getting to FINALLY rock Tariku to sleep in my arms...after all of these months praying and crying for him. He is doing very well, but has no problem going to anyone. So mommy and daddy are going to have to really work on bonding with him a lot so that he will be more discriminate with others. He loves all the attention he is getting, but it is going to change a little with homeschooling getting back on track. Tomorrow should be an interesting day of learning at the Avila house.

Monday, March 15, 2010

We're Back!

I will post more later, but I wanted to share some pics. We had some amazing experiences while we were there. We are so glad to be home with our girls and are still trying to catch up on sleep. Tariku is doing great and the girls LOVE holding, feeding, changing, picking out outfits, playing, strolling, etc. with him. I hardly get time with him now that I'm competing with 3 other mothers!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Leaving on a jet plane!!

We are off tomorrow morning for Ethiopia! We are so excited and yet sad to leave our girls. Please pray for them as they won't see us for about 12 days. Lila is on steroids for croup (which makes her silly!!) and I am on antibiotics for a bad cold/sinus junk. Pray that I am not in the bathroom during the whole flight :( Thanks so much and we'll try and update you all, but internet connection is s l o w and power outages are regular. WOW! I can't believe it is actually here!!! Love you all!