Monday, June 9, 2008

VBS, Adoption and Stuff

So I was so excited to write about VBS, but Vince got more film of VBS than pics, and the pics weren't so good, so that stinks. VBS this year was SONWorld Amusement Park and the kids had a blast. Vince helped with Camp Wilderness and I was a singer/crazy lady. I don't know if I had more fun or if the kids did. We learned lots of Bible verses and had snacks, craft, recreation, and story time. It was awesome. Over 350 kids attended and we raised over $1200 for "Teach My Kenyan Children" and organization started by a lady in our church that helps children get an education. The money raised will buy wheelchairs and other walking aids, so that the disabled kids can get to school.
We just received word that we are recipients of a grant for $1500 through Topeka Community Foundation--Woo-Hoo! This is great news, because we are getting ready to send our dossier over to Ethiopia by the end of June, and with that goes a check of $4800! With a previous grant and this one, we will only have to come up with $2600. God is so good! I am praising Him right now! A lady that our agency is working with is over there (ET) right now, and is trying to locate a son for us (3 or younger) so if you could pray, we would appreciate it!
The other day as we were driving in our accord (packed like sardines) Alex yelled at Lila "Oh sick Lila...stop it!! Mom, Lila just wiped a booger on me!" I asked Lila firmly, "Did you wipe a booger on Alex?" She replied ", it didn't smell like a booger..." I busted up laughing, then everyone did and then when we arrived at our destination, Lila Bean got disciplined---but it was so funny. She keeps us on our toes! Alex's first game is tonight; hope it doesn't get rained out. Vince's birthday was yesterday on the 8th--28 years old! He had a lot of fun shopping in the toy store: Home Depot and finally got a leaf blower and a jigsaw something or other. He was excited! Here are some random pics.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Today is "THE BEST DAY" for Alex. This is her favorite day of the year. This is the day Grace (our church) decorates for VBS. Our church goes all out for VBS and it usually takes the decorating crew till the midnight hour to finish. Of course, we don't stay that late, but a lot do. This year's theme is SonWorld Amusement Park. I am singing for VBS and don't laugh!!! I do this because this is the only time Vince lets me sing with a microphone. Vince was in charge of getting food for Camp Wilderness (special for 5th and 6th graders)--they learn about God, first aid, and do an overnight camp-out. Vince won't take off work this year, but will spend the night out there on Thurs. Next year, our Alex will be going!!! Today, though, Haley and Lila helped people paint and decorate and Alex got to go out to the campsite with two of her good friends and "help" set up. When we got home, Vince and I filmed Haley and Lila doing their thing and just spent time playing with them on the floor. Sad to say, but we don't do that as much as we should. I don't know if it is hitting me how fast our girls grow up, or that I only get one chance to be with them, but I am really trying and going to try to spend more quality time with them. I have felt really convicted lately on how I talk to my girls sometimes. I can be so short with them and not pay attention to what they have to say. A good book I read a while back "To Small To Ignore" by Wess Stafford (the CEO of Compassion Intl.) speaks about how valuable children are, how Christ viewed children, and how we as a culture just try to "keep them busy", all the while, not spending time with them, getting to KNOW them, and appreciating them. So many parents don't get the opportunity to see their children grow into adults, and with the China earthquake, Chapman's daughter dying, orphan/AIDS crisis, and just suffering in general, it had made me love on my children a little bit longer throughout the day.