Sunday, June 21, 2009

Haley's Birthday

Here are some pics of Haley's family birthday party. We are going to have the friends party after we get back from our trip to Colorado. We had a very delicious cake that Grandma and Haley made and Haley had tons of fun trying on all of her beautiful clothes that Papa and Nana K got her. She gave us quite a fashion show! It was a hoot and man, the teenage years are going to be crazy. She also got some cash from the Avila's and a beautiful quilt that Grandma is in the process of making her princess.

Father's Day

Hello! Looooonnnnggg time no post! Honestly, its been hard wanting to blog. I have so many things to blog about so I'll be playing catch up over the next few days! Today we had a family get together to celebrate Father's Day and Maggie and Haley's Birthday. I love that our family, the Avila's and the Ketchum's, love each other and they enjoy getting together regularly. It makes it easy on us! I love the fact that God blessed me with an amazing dad, who played softball, two-square, horse and other games endlessly, who taught me about God, both through conversation and the way he has lived his life. He is a man of integrity. He adores his granddaughter's and will listen to them as they talk (and talk) about what is going on in their lives. Papa calls them all the time "just to say hello and I love you". If I wouldn't have had him in my life, I probably would have never found as great of a husband as I did. I thank God for Papa and Vince. Vince amazes me--how he is a father and a husband and just a MAN. His work ethic, the way he loves his daughters, how he makes me laugh all of the time. He is my tangible security. God gave me some amazing men in my life. And I also praise God for Vince's dad. Vince wouldn't be the man he is today without his hands-on father. He wrestled and played constantly with his boys. (Which is probably why my Vince is such a great dad). Here are some pics of our day at the Avila's. I love you guys!