Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Bathroom Shocker!

Having a boy is a lot different than having a girl, a major difference being potty experiences.  While we were at Disney World, Titus started wiggling and dancing, so Vince knew it was time for him to go.  While Titus was finishing at the urinal, he decided he had to let out a "Boo-Yah!"  The guy at the sink behind him decided to join him and said "Boo-Yah!" back.  Titus was thrown off to say the least, and pointing at the guy, looked up wide-eyed saying "Uhh...Dad?!"  Then the guy just busted out laughing.  Titus is something else!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

What I forgot to teach my 3rd grader...

When I first started homeschooling, I had the classroom all set up complete with a flag stapled to the wall with the Pledge of Allegiance written down below it.  Over the years, our homeschool has moved into the kitchen and living room with kids scattered throughout the house, working on various subjects. While we do Bible almost every day, we have neglected to do the Pledge.

Last Wednesday, I took the kids to Awana's at our new church.  Awana's is an excellent program for kids to memorize scripture, learn about God and have fun!  Everyone had a blast, but in the car, Lila told us about how she didn't know the Pledge of Allegiance.

From Lila (read with enthusiasm and in one continuous breath):
"I had no idea what they were saying!  It felt more like the Pledge of Embarrassment to me!  I didn't know where to look, so I looked at the flag half of the time and then the boy's (who was holding the flag) shirt, because it was a real pretty blue.  I saw girls put one hand over their heart and then a hand behind their back and I tried that, but then I thought, that isn't right...  I was like 'okay, this is weird'."

I couldn't believe it.  I really failed.  You try to teach them all the important things and then you realize, you forgot to teach them the Pledge of Allegiance.  Guess she can learn it at church if her teacher forgets to at home.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Divine Appointments

This post isn't about the kids and doesn't have any pics; just my thoughts... So feel free to skip my ramblings.

This season in Emporia has been pretty dry spiritually for me.  The year before had some incredible, goose-bump God moments.  Times where He spoke to me directly through His Word.  Answers to prayers, even simple ones, promises from Him, and many Memorial Box moments.  But since the move, it's been slow and dry.  Maybe because I've been sick with mold-induced colds...  But yesterday, out of the blue, God orchestrated a divine appointment.

Every week, I try to go back to Lawrence and get Alex to her class and the rest of the kiddos to jump around with their friends.  This week I went to Dillon's to meet my prayer partner during that precious time when I have no offspring to look after :)  I walked in and was getting a cup of Coke and I heard "Julie".  I turned around to see Dale and his nephew David (who was a year younger than me in school).

Growing up, I was best friends (brother/sister type) to Jeremy (David's brother, Dale's nephew).  Dale was such a great uncle, a stand-up mentor to these young men.  When I saw Dale at our church years ago, it blessed my heart.  He is just a dear, dear man.  I've always had the utmost respect for how he loved his nephews, how intentional, kind, gentle he was.  About 11 months ago, I received an email that he was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer.  I just bursted out crying.  I have been praying for Dale, David and Jeremy ever since.

The girls and I pray for him every day at Bible time.  The Caring Bridge site hasn't been updated for a while and now that I live far away, I didn't know what the latest was with Dale.  Dale and David just so happened to meet for lunch at Dillon's, because it was David's day off.  I got to talk, hug and catch up with Dale and David.  It was truly a blessing to be able to connect and tell him how much of a blessing he is to me and to so many others.

The really cool thing was that G was there to pray with me.  She got to talk with David and invite him to church (which they had texted each other about months prior to this).

G and I had prayed previously months before for David together.  It was just amazing that God worked it out on a Tuesday afternoon for G and I both to run into them.  It was a tremendous blessing to be able to tell Dale how special he is.

Today was a day of prayer and fasting on a place called simplicity .  It was perfect timing to be able to pray for his complete healing, to pray for God to get glory and for people to come to know Christ through Dale's life.  Gave me chills (and many tears) to run into him and David.  They are dear, sweet men.  His website is caringbridge.org/visit/daleroubison.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Most Amazing Cupcakes Ever!

Our good friends, the Wallen's, wanted to have us and a few other couples over before we embarked on our new adventure in Emporia.  Their amazingly talented daughter, Olivia, worked tirelessly on our special "Avila" cupcakes. At first glance, I thought the first cupcake was Tariku, but it was Vince.  

For our family, Olivia (and her family) had to create 4 different skin tones!!  

 Lila had curly hair and a bow!  

Titus Tariku had dark brown skin and beautiful short hair.  So yummy!!!

Vince, my Latin Lover!  So good lookin!  I can't tell which is cuter, him or his cupcake?

Alex had her hair just the right length on her cupcake!  All the cupcakes had different eyes, lips, noses.  

Haley had lighter colored brown hair.  All the hair color was made out of chocolate and then hardened in the freezer!!!  Incredible!

 This is why I have such long hair.  In case anyone makes a cupcake that looks like me, I will get the most chocolate!  

We felt incredibly loved that night!  The cupcakes were a work of art!  We had such a good time with our friends!  It was truly a family blessing--one that we won't forget!  Thanks Wallen Family!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Happy 10th Birthday Haley!

Haley turned 10 on June 26th!  I took the kids to Freddy's, which she had been begging to go try for months.  We had such a good time.  Then we took off to go swim at our friend's house for a bit and then rushed home to get ready for her girlfriends to come for the sleepover.

Haley made and decorated her own cake!  She is my artist and fashionista!  She wanted a ballerina outfit and shoes from her parents.  She loved her purple, sparkly ensemble.  She asked her friends to bring gifts for the Pregnancy Care Center of Lawrence, which we took the following day.  We love that ministry!!

I love Haley's amazing sense of humor! She loves to sing Adelle songs, put on "Dancing with the Stars" routines for us, draw, create, and try on many different outfits throughout the day.  Haley is so precious and sweet and I am so thankful to have her for my daughter!! Happy 10th Birthday Haley!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Here's to the teen years...

On May 19th,  Alex turned 13!!  It is really surreal having a teenager.  People (who don't really know her) ask me how it's going having a teenage girl.  They really seem ready for me to tell them how tough it is, but I have the best teenager ever!!  She is so kind, mature, funny, smart, helpful, mothering (to her sisters), encouraging, and giving!  About week two in Emporia, mommy had a meltdown-being sick because of the mold and missing my dear friends, she told daddy, "Go take mom on a ride out in the country.  She needs to get away.  I'll get the kids to bed and you don't have to pay me."  Can you believe that?!  That's just one instance of her kindness towards others!  She really is so dear!!  Happy 13th Sparky!!!  We love you SO MUCH!!  

Her birthday party with her friends!!  I don't know who the off-key singing voice is in the background? :) 
I woke up at 5:30 to use the restroom and I heard giggles coming up from the air vent.   Unbeknownst to me, they had decided to pull an all nighter!!!  Her friends are so sweet, funny, and just all around good girls!!!  So thankful my daughters have wonderful friends!!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Our new green rental! Green on the outside AND on the inside

I haven't updated our blog in so long, my computer doesn't even automatically type in our blog address when I go to it.  A lot has happened this summer and I hope to post about past family events over the next month.  This entry is about our new rental.  We sold our home in Lawrence and packed up the family and moved to Emporia.  We were hard pressed to find a rental for a family our size, but with the help of a great realtor, she found 3 houses that we could possibly rent.  We fell in love with the sprawling ranch layout of this home, the half acre lot, and the nice kitchen--complete with stainless steel appliances and granite tile countertops.  The electricity just so happened to be off both times we looked at it, so when Westar finally got the lights on, we found mold.  Upon moving in, we also found that the fridge was taken out by our landlords, undisclosed to us...  That wouldn't have been too bad, but our fridge was 1 inch too big and we had to buy a new one!  

We had wonderful friends and their kids come and help us clean this house from top to bottom.  The carpets were filthy and animals had definitely marked their territory, band-aids clung to the shower, and black "stuff" covered the downstairs toilet.  The kids ran the Rug Doctor and did an awesome job!  They scrubbed walls, mopped floors, cleaned windows, and more.  It was such an incredible blessing! 

After friends came and visited and we had shown people the mold, the sniffles, colds, asthma started in at the Avila house.  Alex and I have been sick for about a month.  We had air samples taken and it was bad.  The landlords are "remediating" it, but our stuff is definitely not being cleaned--only "visible mold" on our stuff will be wiped down and our couch.

This has definitely been a time of trial.  A definitely good learning experience to say the least.  I thought renting would be easy.  :)  This morning during quiet time, I felt that God was wanting to see if I could be a good witness to my kids through this.  Well, I've already failed, but I've asked forgiveness and we've prayed for our landlords.  The way we handle hard situations and difficult people is being watched by 4 influential young kids.  So, we are walking through this inconvenience  one day at a time.  Hopefully, we'll be breathing better soon!  Hopefully Emporia will only get better from here on out!!
Part of our moldy basement
 Our awesome elm tree in our backyard

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Donald--AKA Alex

Alex was in the TEACH Drama presentation of "You Can't Take It With You." She practiced for months and the show was a success! It was so funny and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much at my daughter and she performed her first big performance. She played Donald, a poor guy that lives of the government and is quite humorous.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Field Day 2012

This year's Grace Homeschool Field Day was at Dad Perry Park and it was HOT! We had an obstacle course, tug-of-war, potato sack races, water games and more. I felt sick afterwards and we slept well that night!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Haley and Lila

This morning, I was up particularly early getting Alex ready for Exchange City. The other girls had just got up and they started bickering.

Haley: "Lila, you have to be nice to me till May 19th!"
Lila: "No I don't!"
Alex (yelling up from the kitchen): "You're supposed to be nice all the time!"
Haley: "But, Lila can't do that..."

Friday, April 6, 2012

My Christmas Present--Round 2

This is embarrassing to admit, but I love getting gifts from my husband, and sometimes I have something completely different in mind than what he ends up getting me. This Christmas Vince got me some bed sheets, spatulas, and a couple of movies. One of the movies was Jane Eyre, which I loved. Honestly, I wasn't feeling romanced with bed sheets and spatulas... And this is where I feel bad, but I had Vince try again. Round 2 he got me tickets to the KSU/KU basketball game. We went out for sushi before hand and had a really good time. Vince puts up with a lot with having me for a wife :( I love him so much!

What's in my pantry?

This is what I found one morning...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dressing Up!

Long time since I've updated and a lot has happened this winter. Vince accepted a job with Westar in Emporia and we will be moving there once our home sells. He's busy commuting and I'm busy teaching and holding down the fort. Here are some pics of the kids dressing up with our friends and other random dress-up photos. Poor Titus! The girls brought him downstairs all dressed up in a homemade toga.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

From Alex

Hello Everybody! Alex here! It has been too long since mom or I last posted... So I am going to try to catch you up. In November I was in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe play for my homeschool group! This is a pic of my face paint... I look like a member of Kiss. It was awesome, and so fun! My drama teacher will be posting the video on youtube soon. As for right now I am in the middle of another play, You Can't Take It With You. I am playing a young man named Donald,(they were one man short). In February, I was in Dinner Theater at GEPC doing "Godspell". As for the whole fam, we have been busy with school and trying to sell our house! Dad got a new job and we have to move to Emporia :( I am very sad. Anyway, we have to keep the house clean 24/7! Here are some random pics... See ya later!

