Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lila's favorite tree

Last week, while driving in our car, Lila said "Daddy, are you EVER gonna get me a popcorn tree?" We thought about it for a while and then realized she was talking about Bradford Pears. She loves them and keeps herself busy trying to count them all.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lila's School Birthday and Misc.

Here are some pics from her Birthday at Giving Tree. On their special day, they get to dress a bear in the outfit they choose, be a princess, and other special things. Right now, 66.6% of the girls have a barking cough and the other 33% is sounding bad. Haley has been on Albuterol, which makes her totally goofy. Everyone is mad at mommy because after Bible Study this morning, we were going to go to the park with some of our homeschool friends. The girls came into my room this morning and Lila was barking up a storm, and I asked if she was sick. She said yes, and Alex (who had already made all of our sandwiches for lunch) said "Now Lila, why'd you have to go and tell her that?!!!" So I am surrounded by broken-hearted sicko's this morning. Praising God for my coffee!