Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Double Blessing

We are expecting again!!! No wonder this adoption has taken so long, because God knew we needed to bring home a brother for Titus! About a month ago, Pam wrote us about some misc. stuff and then P.S. saying "Tell Vince there are lots of baby boys in the orphanage and you are approved up to two! Ha! Ha! That's how much I love Vince." Long before this, we had known that Titus was going to have a brother, but honestly, it was hard even imagining going through this process again, emotionally, monetarily, physically. This is one of the hardest, most consuming things I have ever embarked on in my life. So when I got her email, I got excited. Vince and I prayed about it and I left it up to Vince...Scout's honor! I left the ball in his court and he ended up talking to Pam without me knowing about it. That week, we had a picture of our sweet little 3-4 month old Elias G. We had to wait till his medicals were completed but they were soon finished. He is so beautiful, just like his brother and I can't wait to get my hands on both of them. Pray that we will be able to get Elias' case heard the same time as Tariku's. If he doesn't pass around the same time, Vince will have to go back and get him later. I am trusting God that He knows what is best. I'll be able to post pictures of our boys as soon as they pass court and are legally ours. Oh, what a sweet day of celebration that will be!

1 comment:

Jae Davis said...

NO way!!! AWESOME! This news just made me smile from the inside out. God is so creative and amazing. Congratulations! ;)