Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Field Trip Day

November 27, 2007

Today we finished our month of learning about electricity at the home school co-op by going to Westar Energy. A most handsome engineer gave 12 children plus parents, a thorough presentation about how electricity is made at a coal plant and then we were able to go and see the turbine and generator. We also were able to go to the 12th floor, where we saw miles and miles of Lawrence, a huge coal stock pile and the Kansas River. The kids had a great time and it was awesome to see hands-on what we have learned this past month. Haley read a book to me called "Sam". In Aldi's, Haley and Lila were laying on top of eachother on top of where you bag your groceries. They were acting very inappropriately for young ladies and needless to say, I was spent! I boxed those groceries in record time and the girls straightened up when we got to the car (a safe place for mommy, not so much for the kiddos). "NO DESSERT AT CICI'S!!!" When daddy got home, it was a lot better and we played doctor with the kiddos and read Bible stories. Now, Vince and Alex are watching----STAR WARS---big surprise there! But the other girls are snug in their beds, what a precious thing that is. Hope all is well and here is a pic of the kids at the plant. Don't we look good in our PPE?

The Avila's

1 comment:

Becky K. said...

I just searched for homeschool blogs and came across yours.

I wanted to let you know about my new homeschool blog. It is designed to share ideas and encourage homeschoolers everywhere.
Please stop by, if you get the chance.

Blessings on your day and will keep you and yours in my prayers as it appears you have suffered a recent loss (Most recent post).

Becky K.