Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tired Tuesday

November 13, 2007

Today is when TLC, the local Christian Homeschool Co-op meets. We got through all our subjects by noon so we could be there on time. Haley learned about smelling and tasting, Lila played with the other kids and produced a sheet with cotton balls glued to them (not sure what it was), and I taught Alex's class about conductors and insulators with another mom. We did a fun experiment and went over power plant design and how electicity is made so that the children will be prepared for our field trip to Westar Energy in a couple of weeks. I hear there is a good-looking engineer there that will be giving us the tour! We also went to the dollar store to let the girls pick out stuff for our Good Samaritan's Purse/Box drive at church. That is always a good time, until they have to give up the dollies they bought for another child. After a few tears and fits were displayed by our youngest girls, we went home, did a short bible time and put the girls to bed. Vince is watching Wolves with Alex and I am on my way to bed...at 7:13. I am exhausted. Good Night!

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