Monday, November 5, 2007

Adoption News

November 5, 2007

I realize this might be news to a lot of you, but we are EXPECTING!!!! And this time, it is a boy! We started our homestudy in September and got it completed in a record 10 days!! We had to get it done by the 14th so that we could apply for a grant through Douglas County. We just found out today that we are the recipients and will get $1000 towards our adoption costs. I will be starting our I-600 soon with that money. This will allow our son to become a US citizen automatically when he becomes ours.
Vince and I have been praying about adopting ever since Alex was a baby. I think God was just preparing our hearts for this endeavor and now three kids later, we thought we had room for one more. We waited another 9 months or so, before we actually started the process and since then, God has amazed us with His provision! The girls are very excited for "Titus" to come home, but the still want a dog. Titus is the name we have given our child, but God knows his real name and if he is older, we probably won't change it and might give it to him as a middle name. Enough rambling, we are just really excited to go get him and bring him home. We are adopting from Ethiopia and are seeking a boy around 2.5 yrs or younger. Check out for some amazing posts and information about Ethiopia and life there. It changed our lives and will touch your hearts! We could definitely use prayer for our adoption process and the decisions we will be faced with. That we would not place limits on ourselves or what God is calling us to, but that we would be open to all that God has for us and to be content, whatever the circumstances.


Megan Eastland said...

I LOVE YOUR BLOG! I love the pics and the stories! I'm so glad you put this together! I'll check it all the time! And I love the pics of the girls! I suddenly imagined them as adult women holding hands like that and how special that will be!

Unknown said...

Hey, Julie! I love your blog and especially love your tradition of taking the same picture every year of the girls. Bob and I just took the same picture of us as one that was taken on our honeymoon, 25 years later. Very fun. CONGRATS on your decision to adopt!! I can't wait to meet Titus (or whatever derivation of that name you choose!) You are walking the walk!! God bless and keep you! love katherine