Thursday, November 8, 2007

November is Adoption Month

November 8, 2007

So this time last year, Vince (after being CERTAIN that we were not going to adopt) started coming to realize that maybe we should consider adoption. I was trying really hard not to push anything on Vince, but Hey! November is National Adoption Month and with our church putting on a 5K to raise funds for the orphans in Ethiopia, I thought it only right to get Vince to go with me to hear more about it. A couple from our church shared their adoption journey and their struggle with infertility and needless to say we were touched and Vince's heart had melted. The next week, it just so happened that and had devoted that week to adoption topics and stories. Me being such a passive :) woman made the radio downloads available every evening for Vince to listen to after our girls went to bed. I think it was by December when Vince "knew" we needed to adopt and there was our son out there somewhere. To me, this was amazing because just nine months before he told me "You need to get adoption out of your head, because it is not going to happen." Of course I was crushed, but had never seen Vince feel so strongly about I prayed. I prayed that God would either take the strong desire off of my heart, or that God would change his heart. This was truly an answer to prayer. All this to say: November is Adoption Month and the above websites are broadcasting beautiful adoption stories. A great one is "A Meeting with the Master". It is about the church who adopted 31 Liberian boys. The Fields of Promise 5K is coming up on Nov. 17th. I most likely won't be running with three girls while Vince is at work, but we can still contribute. GEPC raised $4000 which provide rent, 2 full time caregivers, food and furnishings for about 30 orphans. It is amazing what God can do with our money! It does go far and makes an eternal impact for so many! If you aren't running or are far away and still want to give go to and see what you can come up with! My girls are all asleep and I am going to go enjoy the quietness for a while. The pics of the girls are oldies but goodies

The Avila's

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