Thursday, November 15, 2007

Lunch Time Prayers

November 14th, 2007

I had just made lunch for all of the girls and we sat down to begin our prayers. I thought today would be a good day to tell God 2 things we are thankful for. Lila wanted to start first...."Father God, umm I just umm...." Pretty soon, Haley leans in and whispers "tell God 2 things you are thankful for" and right then Lila shoots out "Thanks you for don't let Haley tell me what to pray for amen." I just had to of the many priceless prayers I have heard from my girls. We had BLAST later on and created wrapping paper for our Samaritan's Purse boxes. We ate popcorn and made ornaments and played "What time is it Mr. Fox?" Gosh, I feel old. Vince and I were talking about what we needed to do to Titus' room. I thought cowboy, and Vince said "No Way!" I thought since I have been able to pick out all of my colors and decor for every room, I could let Vince do his son's room. He wants African themed. Complete with clouds on the ceiling and a big mural. Well, I don't know who he thinks is going to paint this, so I suggested painting it and blowing up pictures from our trip to Africa and framing them and then having artifacts/wooden animals/baskets, etc. We'll see what he decides. I am scared to see what type of mural we would come up with! I need to get back to filling out paperwork...yikes!

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