Thursday, November 8, 2007

Coffee Anyone?

Hey Friends,
Just came across a site: For every bag of coffee (fair trade, fresh, organic) purchased, you will provide food for one orphan for an entire MONTH!!!! The farmers get paid a fair price and children eat and us parents can stay awake and be more hospitable to our kiddos in the morning for only $10!! I think we might give some out as Christmas gifts...just a thought, making a difference one cup at a time! An amazing site that I just love is Listen to this guy's videos--he sure makes you think about what is truly important and its not out there pushing adoption on anyone, because that really isn't the most effective way to make broad change...buying coffee, mission trips, prayer, sponsorship, and even running (which I am NOT up for) makes a huge impact! On a slightly different note, contrary to popular belief George Washington's dentures were not made out of wood! They were made out of hippo and elephant bone, gold coils, donkey, horse and human teeth. Probably why you don't ever see him smile-poor guy! How do I know this incredible info? Alex is writing a weekly report about our US Presidents. Haley also knows how to read: read, feed, mat, seed, if, and numerous other words. It's an amazing thing to be able to share in her success!

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