Thursday, September 20, 2012

What I forgot to teach my 3rd grader...

When I first started homeschooling, I had the classroom all set up complete with a flag stapled to the wall with the Pledge of Allegiance written down below it.  Over the years, our homeschool has moved into the kitchen and living room with kids scattered throughout the house, working on various subjects. While we do Bible almost every day, we have neglected to do the Pledge.

Last Wednesday, I took the kids to Awana's at our new church.  Awana's is an excellent program for kids to memorize scripture, learn about God and have fun!  Everyone had a blast, but in the car, Lila told us about how she didn't know the Pledge of Allegiance.

From Lila (read with enthusiasm and in one continuous breath):
"I had no idea what they were saying!  It felt more like the Pledge of Embarrassment to me!  I didn't know where to look, so I looked at the flag half of the time and then the boy's (who was holding the flag) shirt, because it was a real pretty blue.  I saw girls put one hand over their heart and then a hand behind their back and I tried that, but then I thought, that isn't right...  I was like 'okay, this is weird'."

I couldn't believe it.  I really failed.  You try to teach them all the important things and then you realize, you forgot to teach them the Pledge of Allegiance.  Guess she can learn it at church if her teacher forgets to at home.

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