Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Divine Appointments

This post isn't about the kids and doesn't have any pics; just my thoughts... So feel free to skip my ramblings.

This season in Emporia has been pretty dry spiritually for me.  The year before had some incredible, goose-bump God moments.  Times where He spoke to me directly through His Word.  Answers to prayers, even simple ones, promises from Him, and many Memorial Box moments.  But since the move, it's been slow and dry.  Maybe because I've been sick with mold-induced colds...  But yesterday, out of the blue, God orchestrated a divine appointment.

Every week, I try to go back to Lawrence and get Alex to her class and the rest of the kiddos to jump around with their friends.  This week I went to Dillon's to meet my prayer partner during that precious time when I have no offspring to look after :)  I walked in and was getting a cup of Coke and I heard "Julie".  I turned around to see Dale and his nephew David (who was a year younger than me in school).

Growing up, I was best friends (brother/sister type) to Jeremy (David's brother, Dale's nephew).  Dale was such a great uncle, a stand-up mentor to these young men.  When I saw Dale at our church years ago, it blessed my heart.  He is just a dear, dear man.  I've always had the utmost respect for how he loved his nephews, how intentional, kind, gentle he was.  About 11 months ago, I received an email that he was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer.  I just bursted out crying.  I have been praying for Dale, David and Jeremy ever since.

The girls and I pray for him every day at Bible time.  The Caring Bridge site hasn't been updated for a while and now that I live far away, I didn't know what the latest was with Dale.  Dale and David just so happened to meet for lunch at Dillon's, because it was David's day off.  I got to talk, hug and catch up with Dale and David.  It was truly a blessing to be able to connect and tell him how much of a blessing he is to me and to so many others.

The really cool thing was that G was there to pray with me.  She got to talk with David and invite him to church (which they had texted each other about months prior to this).

G and I had prayed previously months before for David together.  It was just amazing that God worked it out on a Tuesday afternoon for G and I both to run into them.  It was a tremendous blessing to be able to tell Dale how special he is.

Today was a day of prayer and fasting on a place called simplicity .  It was perfect timing to be able to pray for his complete healing, to pray for God to get glory and for people to come to know Christ through Dale's life.  Gave me chills (and many tears) to run into him and David.  They are dear, sweet men.  His website is caringbridge.org/visit/daleroubison.

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