Monday, July 28, 2008

Cute pics and funnies

I've been wanting to tell this story for a while, but I hope I can do it justice by typing it. About a month ago there was a bird stuck in our garage. It wouldn't leave and we were all out there trying to get it to go. So Lila is doing her part yelling LOUDLY "GET OUT OF MY GARAGE BIRDIE!!!! GET OUT OF MY GARAGE!!!" and then Haley, in her sweet, nasal-Cinderella voice sings "ah-a-aha-ahhhh, ah-a-aha-ah". She sings with such passion and concern, looking sweetly at the bird. I am thinking "What in the WORLD is she doing?" And then Alex, who knows her all to well, says she is "talking" to the bird, like the princesses do it. If you've seen Enchanted or Snow White, that is what she was doing. It was the cutest thing! Above are some pics from this last week. The girls helping me make a ice cream cake and then Lila with her candy.

1 comment:

Megan Eastland said...

awwwwwwwwwwww! That's SO precious and I can totally hear them both. That's HYSTERICAL! BTW. 4 days!