Monday, July 28, 2008

10 Years

Vince and I celebrated out 10 year high school reunions recently. Mine was July 25 and 26 and Vince's was the 19th. We had such a good time seeing old friends and holding their babies!! At Vince's, we won for most kids (big suprise!) and Vince was voted most courteous and well-mannered! I married the best guy out of the Derby graduating class of 1998! I can't believe it's been ten years, but then sometimes it feels like "its ONLY been ten years???" I didn't take my camera to mine, but here are some pics from Vinny's. Our good friends (Vince's college roomate) Ben and Jenn from Dallas are pictured. Thankfully, Vince's parents went with us to watch our kiddos for the evening event--they visited their cousins who live in Wichita and celebrated cousin Angel's birthday! They had a blast.

1 comment:

Jae Davis said...


You look great, and I mean it. I know Vince has taken good care of you, because of your smile with him and the glow from your whole person. You both are a beautiful couple and I am so glad you are enjoying walking in God's will. You are an inspiration to Travis and I!

Love Ya,