Thursday, December 13, 2007

Groceries Galore!

December 13, 2007

In November, a guy from Vince's work gave him a sack with a list of foods needed for the Leo Center. His church got donations last month and wanted to see if this could happen at Grace. In December, Vince got 200 bags from local grocery stores and stapled lists on them. The church did an AWESOME job, as they should have. This was a picture from last week. It filled Chad's truck up (two deep) and our SUV. Vince had to make another drop off today, filling up our truck again! Now the Leo Center is stacked full! They were amazed and we were too. It's great to see how much of an impact everyone can have if we all contribute. On another note, I found the website (I wrote it up top... .) I think that's right, use the one on the side. You've got to see the pics of these kids celebrating Christmas in Swaziland. Beautiful children, amazing stories, and the one of the girl "Silent Tears" is incredible. Again, it's amazing what people can accomplish. They didn't cure AIDS or end poverty, but what they did in those childrens' lives is priceless and will be forever memories to these children. Check it out!

So we've been reading RED LETTERS and it gets my mind going about the AIDS crisis and where has the church been?! I got on and checked out all the ministries that they support and I see some great things happening. It's also a good idea to read about the Presidential candidates and their views on these subjects which you can find out on ONE also. I thought about the amount of money it would take to get everyone in Africa the ARV's they needed, and if this amount was divided monthly by the amount of churches in America....what would that amount be? Could you imagine how much that would resemble Jesus. When you think about it, Jesus is with the poor, sick, dying, lonely, and sinner. How much does my life look like Jesus'? Just things I am thinking about. On a lighter note....every....EVERY prayer time, Haley prays that God will make sure she gets the remote control puppy at Target for Christmas. I am glad she goes straight to God and not to Santa, but come on...every time! Now Lila has started to pray for God to bring her the Pet Shop Monkey thing she wants. I don't know what she is talking about so she might be in trouble this year!

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