Tuesday, December 18, 2007


December 18, 2007

Vince graduated with his MBA from Baker on Sat. We are so glad to have that done and it was a great celebration. Afterwards, our parents took us all to KOKORO's for some Japanese food! It was wonderful. Don't have pics of that (as usual) but I just got some Christmas pics from our time at Crown Center. Last Friday, we had a baking day with our friends Jenny and Isaiah and made fudge, sugar cookies, and peanut butter balls. The parents did most of the work, but Lila and Haley helped me mix and add the ingredients and they all got to ice the cookies. We celebrated Christmas with the Avila's since they will be leaving for the Valley this Friday. Alex got a Lego Star Wars ship, Haley got a Barbie trike and Lila got a fire truck full of Mega-Blocks. They got other stuff too, but those were their favorites. Alex has been emailing Chris Tharp, a friend of ours who is serving America in Kosovo. She loves it and "asked" him if she could be pen pals with him. He sent her a pic of a cool Army snow truck and she thought it was awesome. We need to remember those protecting us and pray for them and their families this Christmas. What an amazing sacrifice to give and serve the US. They do so much for the people in the country they are serving too. I know Tharp has taken it upon himself to ask for donations for the local school in Kosovo, which he said was 'bare and literally had nothing'. The covenant group and I don't know who else contributed school supplies. Just another thing the military folks do for people!

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