Saturday, February 13, 2010

Embassy Date!

We finally got an embassy date for March 11. Of course it wasn't as soon as what we were planning, but we SEE God at work in our lives and KNOW we have needed this time to prepare us and grow us so that we can experience all that God has for us in Ethiopia. We leave on Wednesday, March 3rd and arrive late the 4th. Friday we rest, (hopefully see Tariku) and get ready for our long 10 hour car ride to Gimbie. There, we will meet and hold and love on our younger son Chala. Then we will come back and spend three days with Tariku, while we wait for our Embassy Date and his visa to be completed. We leave late Friday night and return Saturday.
Honestly, it was surreal, praying last night with Vince. I knew this date would come, but just kept thinking "when will this come and how will this play out?". It's here!!!
Please pray for Tariku, as he is being moved from the home he's always known, his crib he's always slept in, his mommies that he's always had. It breaks my heart thinking about what he is going through and I am praying for God to PROTECT his little heart and comfort his FEARS. I can't imagine...I wish I could be there now, just holding him, telling him how special and loved he is and that he won't be alone. But I know God is there and he isn't alone and as God had protected him these past 20 months, He will protect him through this transition too.

*"as a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you" Isaiah 66:13
*"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles!" 1 Corinthians 1:3-4

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