Monday, December 15, 2008

Lila's Song

Lila sang her little heart out tonight at the Giving Tree Preschool Christmas Program. It was precious!!!! One of her little friends, Jalen, is in a pic with her. He picked her flowers at church and tried to give them to her a couple years ago at church and tonight, when asked if he got dressed up for Lila said "Well, I did!". It was a wonderful night. They had memorized part of Psalm 100..."Shout to the Lord, all the earth, Sing to the Lord with gladness. Come before Him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us and we are His. Some poor little fellow threw up all over the red carpet right behind the podium! Looked like he had waaaay too much mac 'n cheese. I don't think there is anything better than hearing and watching little kiddos sing praises to God!

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