Monday, December 1, 2008

Adoption Prayer

Hello Friends! I am asking for prayer for tomorrow. Our son's paperwork is almost complete, but needs one more piece signed by witnesses before we can get a court date. The last time the guy tried to get the signatures, the witnesses failed to show. He is now going to pay their daily wage, so that hopefully they will come. Please pray that the will indeed come, that we will get a court date SOON and that Titus will be in our arms ASAP! If this all goes well, we look to be traveling at the end of February. This is longer than what we had thought or hoped for, but know that God is using this time to prepare us and for some reason this is best. Throughout the days, I just see his sweet little smile flash across my mind. I can't wait to get my hands on him and give his chubby cheeks tons of kisses! Thanks for your prayers!


Megan Eastland said...

So what was the outcome?!?!

Julie said...

We are still waiting to hear! UGH! It is so hard waiting.