Monday, March 17, 2008

We're Debt Free!!!! and other news...

March 17, 2008

We're DEBT FREE!!!!! We wrote a check for our Tahoe today and now, only owe on our house. We got The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey from Papa K in December and decided to go for it. Of course we also did our I-600 today too. Money, money, money, but God has provided and we are finally free! Our I-600 makes our son an US citizen upon completion of our adoption in Ethiopia. One step closer to bringing him home! So exciting!!! Vince and I sat in the immigration office and just smiled and held hands. It's a great way to expand the family! I would totally recommend Dave Ramsey and adoption. They are offering Dave Ramsey classes everywhere, including Grace, so check it out. It is so worth it. Also, the girls just finished gymnastics/tumbling. They all did great! Here are some pics. One last thing...we were watching T.V. with the kids and Haley said "All there are is cartoons on" and Lila said "Haley, that's not nice. God cre-ected cartoons and He works really hard on them."

1 comment:

Megan Eastland said...

OH MY GOSH CONGRATS!!! I'm so proud of you guys! That's amazing!!!