Monday, August 23, 2010

Married to Mr. Romance

If you know Vince and I a little, you know Vince is very good with the charm towards his wife. The latest "Stupid Thing That Vince Said" happened yesterday. We were in the bathroom and out of his mouth he said "Julie, I am not saying you're fat or anything, but don't you miss working out?"

Other famous words:

As I'm crawling into bed one miserably depressing winter, I asked if I was fat and he said "No baby, that's just your winter coat."

A couple of years ago I tried on a bikini for him to see what his opinion was and his encouraging words came out "I've seen fatter people wear bikinis". And he was seriously trying to be positive :)

I have MANY others, but I'll post them throughout the year. Some of my friends think I should make a book out of them--it would be a hit!

1 comment:

Jae Davis said...

Travis and I had a good laugh over this, Julie! :) Travis described my hands as short and stubby once when we were newly married. I told him "short" and "stubby" are not words ladies like to hear independently, let alone in the same sentence.