Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Life in the fast lane!

It has been a long time since I've posted. We have been busy homeschooling, swimming, running laps around our house when we get in trouble :), singing in Choir, going to zoo's, and trying to stay sane while daddy works so much. Did I tell you he is a fill-in supervisor for the TWO supervisors who moved positions and is still the Planning/Outage Manager, while being in outages most of the past two months! Daddy=BUSY! Mommy=CRAZY!
Tariku is the SWEETEST, most LOVING little boy ever!!! He whispers sweet baby-talk into momma's ear, gives me kisses and pats my back. He yells "ALEX!" when he wants her to get him and laughs and cries at the same time when he sees his bottle.
School is almost over and VBS is coming soon! We are so excited for school to be over and we can just relax and have fun!
In Lila's picture, she is wearing our Ethiopian Airlines eye cover. She was so excited to have one, she wore it every night for a few weeks!

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