Monday, March 15, 2010

We're Back!

I will post more later, but I wanted to share some pics. We had some amazing experiences while we were there. We are so glad to be home with our girls and are still trying to catch up on sleep. Tariku is doing great and the girls LOVE holding, feeding, changing, picking out outfits, playing, strolling, etc. with him. I hardly get time with him now that I'm competing with 3 other mothers!


Justin and Gi said...

what a picture of the gospel!
love you 6.

Arlene said...

Hi Julie and Vince!
Congratulations on the new addition to your family. He is so adorable. The pictures are wonderful. Thank you for sharing!
Arlene Smith

Unknown said...

WooHoo!! He is beautiful!! Glad you guys made it home safe, can't wait to meet him.

Unknown said...

We are sooo happy for you!! He is going to be a handsome Avila boy..just like the rest of them!!
Can't wait to see him.
Tio & Tia from Mulvane!!

Odvaha said...

WOW! Titus is SO ADORABLE! Glad you guys made to and from getting him safely! Love, Mandy S.

Sarah said...

Rejoicing with you! And such a delight to meet you. I'm focussing on joy and these pictures filled me up.

Hugs for your day,