Monday, January 26, 2009

Haley's First Date

Haley and Daddy went to the Lawrence Park and Rec's Father/Daughter Date Night this past Sat. They had so much fun, even though Haley would have preferred more ballroom dancing! The theme was Mexican fiesta and they had Chipotle' brought in and every girl got a flower, a corsage, a 5x7 photo, and a bag of candy. A few nights before her big date, Alex, Haley and I were driving and talking (valley-girl style) and I asked Haley what she was going to do on Sat. This is what she said..."So like, I am going on a date with my boyfriend! And we are going to dance! Well, actually, I like have a baby (Cadie Joy), so I am like married..." She is so cute and such a princess. Nana Ketchum gave her a gift certificate to get her nails done, complete with 2 flowers/rhinestones on her thumbs.

1 comment:

Justin and Gi said...

oh grown up and CUTE! I can't wait for things like this with Katie....Katie and I had our first "date" today at the coffee shop, reading library books and drinking coffee and a glass of water!
Love ya,