Wednesday, October 22, 2008

American Royal

The Grace homeschool group went to the American Royal for a field trip on Oct. 20th. There were probably about 50 of us there, so it was a pretty good turn out. We got a "behind the scenes" tour and then we got to see a junior rodeo. It was pretty neat seeing 6-13 year-olds roping and riding! We got to see a cow get milked and a the famous Cowboy Monkey! Here are some pics.


Jae Davis said...


You tell those girls I am SO JEALOUS they got to go to the American Royal. I miss rodeo. We have a Louisiana cowboy who's a professional bull rider, but there AREN'T many rodeos, horses or cows around here.


The Free State Farmgirls said...

Awww! Look at those Wienhold boys grinning :) You got some cute pics, Julie.