Thursday, May 22, 2008

Our 9th Anniversary

May 21, 2009

So 9 years ago, Vince and I got married at LMH after the birth our our beautiful daughter Alexis. Pastor Bill came an married us, and even though we only have 3 pics of our wedding, we have the whole ceremony on tape. I remember watching it late one night, Vince was asleep, head on my lap, and I just weeped, saying our vows over again in my head. Oh what I didn't know then, and how much I know now. The prayer that Bill prayed, just seemed like God answered specifically. I knew that night, that God WAS there and WAS faithful to bless us, in spite of our selfishness and sin. Man, marriage can be tough, but it is the biggest gift God has EVER given me. I have the man of my dreams, an amazing father for my children. I am more in love with him every year that goes by. I was walking home from church last night, just gazing up at the sky, PRAISING God for my life. God is the Great Redeemer and I am amazed when I look at our life, 9 years together, 3 daughters, and a son half-way across the world. If I could have seen into the future, I would have never believed it, but God exceeds our wildest expectations. I pray that we will never lose our playfulness, our laughter, and tenderness towards eachother and I pray the same for all those who are married. We will probably go to the Plaza on Sunday night and grab a chocolate bag and McCormick and Shmidts, and do some other stuff. We'll see!


drew said...


Drew and Noelle

Unknown said...

Hi Julie! 9 years already - woohoo!! Congrats ;o)