Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Haley and Lila

This morning, I was up particularly early getting Alex ready for Exchange City. The other girls had just got up and they started bickering.

Haley: "Lila, you have to be nice to me till May 19th!"
Lila: "No I don't!"
Alex (yelling up from the kitchen): "You're supposed to be nice all the time!"
Haley: "But, Lila can't do that..."

Friday, April 6, 2012

My Christmas Present--Round 2

This is embarrassing to admit, but I love getting gifts from my husband, and sometimes I have something completely different in mind than what he ends up getting me. This Christmas Vince got me some bed sheets, spatulas, and a couple of movies. One of the movies was Jane Eyre, which I loved. Honestly, I wasn't feeling romanced with bed sheets and spatulas... And this is where I feel bad, but I had Vince try again. Round 2 he got me tickets to the KSU/KU basketball game. We went out for sushi before hand and had a really good time. Vince puts up with a lot with having me for a wife :( I love him so much!

What's in my pantry?

This is what I found one morning...